
  1. I. Unit 1 - The Client's Environment
  2. II. Unit 2 - Infection Control and Handwashing
  3. III. Unit 3 - Body Mechanics
  4. IV. Unit 4 - Personal Care Skills
  5. V. Unit 5 - Bed Making
  6. VI. Unit 6 - Assisting with Nutrition Needs
  7. VII. Unit 7 - Assisting with Elimination Needs
  8. VIII. Unit 8 - Mechanical Lifts and Transfers
  9. IX. Unit 9 - Assisting with Oxygen Needs and Vital Signs
  10. X. Unit 10 – Acute Care Environment
  11. XI. Unit 11 – Home Management
  12. XII. Unit 12 - Assisting with Medication
  13. XIII. Unit 13 – Hot and Cold Applications: The HCA Role